Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week of February 20th to 24th

Hi, there!
This is the plan for this week:

Monday, February 20th: You're going to do the Unit Test today! Good luck!

Tuesday, February 21st: Were going to check the test you did yesterday. You are also going to have the lab test on the exercises you did on Friday. Today is the due date for your video projects.

Wednesday, February 22nd: We're going to start Unit 9 "Weather and Ongoing Activities" on pg. 76. You'll read the unit goals to see what you have to know at the end. We're going to check the vocabulary (ex A) and see the Listening Section (ex B). We're also going to talk about the Unit Project because it is going to be a GROUP project. You will have 2 weeks to do it. Your HOMEWORK is to make a pictionary with the vocabulary words learned.

Thursday, February 23rd: Today, you are not going to visit the lab. We're going to begin the Present Continuous Tense. We're going to see the aff. and neg. structures and compare them with the Simple Present Tense. You will do an exercise I will post in the Blog for HOMEWORK.
Tomorrow, we will have a special guest in our class. You are going to bring something to eat (Octavio's Birthday!!) For HOMEWORK, you will upload the notes you take in class about the Pres. Cont. Tense.

Friday, February 24th: We are going to celebrate Octavio´s birthday and we are going to talk to our guest.

Have a great weekend!!!
Your teacher,